housing and economic development authority Housing and Economic Development Authority
Annual Report of Guarantee Funds per s. 234.931 (5), Wis.Stats
 - A 362, 1007; S 275, 854
insurance, office of the commissioner of Insurance, Office of the Commissioner of
Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund: annual financial report per s. 655.27 (4)(f), Wis.Stats - S 95
Social and financial report on AB-512 per s. 601.423, Wis.Stats - S 760
Social and financial report on SB-27 per s. 601.423, Wis.Stats - S 150
investment board Investment Board
Annual Financial Report and Schedule of Investments - S 567, 572
Environmental assessments per s. 1.11 (2)(j), Wis.Stats
 - A 395, 1010; S 310
Investment policy, objectives, and guideline revisions per s. 25.17 (14r), Wis.Stats - A 26, 336, 532; S 27, 242
WRS: statement re economic conditions impact on - A 57; S 62
Joint Legislative Council, see Legislative Council
justice assistance, office of Justice Assistance, Office of
Wisconsin Justice Information Sharing (WIJIS) program's report per s. 13.172 (2), Wis.Stats - A 750; S 634
justice, department of Justice, Department of
County-Tribal Law Enforcement Grant Program performance report per s. 165.90, Wis.Stats - A 15, 553; S 23, 463
legislative audit bureau Legislative Audit Bureau
Agricultural land: limited-scope review of use value assessment
 - A 997; S 837
Biennial report per s. 13.94 (1)(j), Wis.Stats - A 47; S 53
Consolidation of administrative functions within DOA and the Administrative, Consolidation, and Efficiency (ACE) Initiative - A 395; S 310
Construction engineers' role in DOT quality assurance process on state highway projects - A 202; S 174
Construction trade apprenticeships: participation by minorities and women
 - A 1012; S 860
Dental education contract between State of Wisconsin and Marquette University School of Dentistry - S 332
Dental services grant from DHS to Marquette University School of Dentistry - A 396; S 332
DETF financial audit - A 20, 787, 1020; S 675, 880
DOJ use of funds re negotiated settlement agreements and court judgments
 - A 787; S 674
DVA methodology used to establish nursing home and assisted living rates reviewed - A 1004; S 849
Educational Communications Board Radio Network
 - A 19, 554, 1037; S 12, 449, 908
Educational Communications Board Television Network
 - A 19, 554, 1036; S 11, 449, 909
Effects of emergencies: efforts by the State and local governments to minimize - A 988; S 822
Evaluation of the effectiveness of child care regulation: final phase including Wisconsin Shares audit - A 548; S 447
Fraud, Waste, and Mismanagement Hotline activites report
 - A 994; S 832
Gaming, Division of: biennial performance evaluation per s. 13.94 (1)(eg), Wis.Stats - A 1003; S 846
HIRSP Authority financial audit - A 453, 1014; S 378, 865
Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund financial audit
 - A 777; S 661
Justice Gateway information system: limited-scope review
 - A 1008; S 857
Local Government Property Insurance Fund - A 211; S 192
MA program integrity: DHS efforts to ensure - A 18
Medical College of Wisconsin and U.W. School of Medicine and Public Health: evaluation of public health programs and medical education and research initiatives - A 981; S 797
Medical education contract between the State of Wisconsin and the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc. - A 362; S 276
Mendota and Winnebago Mental Health Institutes: financial audits
 - A 437; S 362
Mental health care services in adult correctional facilities - A 123; S 114
Overtime use in state agencies: update - A 149; S 131
Petroleum Inspection Fee Revenue Obligations Program financial audit
 - A 526, 1021; S 426, 893
Pupil test score data from the School Choice Demonstration Project
 - A 355, 1004; S 268, 848
State employees' use of credit cards to make purchases for state business: review of program - S 300
State Fair Park financial audit per s. 13.94 (1)(dm), Wis.Stats
 - A 329, 993; S 220, 831
State of Wisconsin financial and compliance audit - A 124, 777
State of Wisconsin financial audit - A 18, 1037; S 558, 908
SWIB financial audit - A 21, 642, 1021, 1036; S 553, 887
Unemployment Reserve Fund - A 35; S 32
Universal Service Fund (USF) financial audit - A 517; S 416
U.W. System financial audit - A 51, 635
Video service provider rates: limited scope review re 2007 WisAct 42
 - A 538; S 430
Virtual charter schools evaluation - A 639; S 548
WHA Radio - A 45, 625; S 49, 529
WHA Television - A 44, 624; S 49, 529
WHEFA limited-scope review per s. 231.19 (1), Wis.Stats - A 710; S 599
Wisconsin Lottery financial audit - A 988; S 821
Wisconsin Public Broadcasting Foundation, Inc.'s Television Fund and Radio Fund - A 19, 554, 1037
Wisconsin Shares (child care subsidy program) - A 412; S 203, 333
Wisconsin State Life Insurance Fund: audit of financial statements
 - A 538; S 435
legislative council Legislative Council
Annual Report Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse - A 81; S 80, 535
General Report of the Joint Legislative Council to the 2009-2010 Legislature - A 1038; S 913
Special Committee on Building Wisconsin's Workforce (RL 2009-09)
 - A 353; S 261
Special Committee on Child Welfare Provider Rate Implementation (RL 2009-14) - A 741; S 620
Special Committee on Differences in Laws Applicable to Cities and Villages (RL 2009-02) - A 167; S 152
Special Committee on Domestic Biofuels (RL 2009-11) - A 427; S 359
Special Committee on Emergency Management and Continuity of Government (RL 2009-10) - A 331; S 235
Special Committee on Enhancing Recreational Trails for Non-Motorized Use (RL 2009-06) - A 395; S 310
Special Committee on High-Risk Juvenile Offenders (RL 2009-01)
 - A 210; S 190
Special Committee on Justice Reinvestment Initiate Oversight (RL 2009-12) - S 892
Special Committee on Performance-Based Disease Management Program for Large Populations (RL 2009-07) - A 427; S 359
Special Committee on Regional Transportation Authority (RL 2009-08)
 - A 210; S 190
Special Committee on School Safety (RL 2009-03) - A 162; S 151
Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations (RL 2009-04) - A 167; S 152
Special Committee on Strengthening Wisconsin Families (RL 2009-05)
 - A 347; S 261
Special Committee on Strengthening Wisconsin Families (RL 2009-013)
 - A 881; S 760
legislative fiscal bureau Legislative Fiscal Bureau
Annual Fiscal Report (prepared by DOA per s. 16.40 (3), Wis.Stats)
 - S 875
legislative reference bureau Legislative Reference Bureau
Rules published - A 13, 50, 96, 123, 148, 208, 331, 346, 358, 423, 498, 534, 563, 635, 724, 772, 973, 989, 995, 999, 1006, 1013, 1015, 1019
Rules published - S 18, 53, 93, 116, 151, 189, 235, 255, 271, 345, 403, 429, 461, 544, 614, 784, 811, 834, 840, 854, 866, 877, 892, 913
medical college of wisconsin Medical College of Wisconsin
Biennial report per s. 13.106, Wis.Stats - A 453; S 389
Breast and Prostate Cancer Research Program annual report
 - A 16, 1035; S 19, 465, 913
Breast Cancer Research Program annual report - A 563
Family Medicine Biennial Report per s. 13.106 (3), Wis.Stats
 - A 1017; S 868